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Chairperson: Oisín Davey

Hiya! I’m a second year studying Theoretical Physics and Pure Maths here at the nooth. I’m big into computer programming, reading and award-winning japanese-american singer-songwriter Mitski. I go by he/him and I beg u to put the í in my name when you spell it >:( I’m chairperson of the soc so feel free to contact me about joining. Blog here.

Vice Chairperson: Martina Nowotny

Hi. I don’t want to do this.

Secretary: Tim

Treasurer: Naoise

I commit tax fraud very good.

Public Relations Officer: Eszter


Events Officer: Aaron Dunne

Heya, I’m a first year student stuck studying TPM in maynooth, I go by He/Him and I’m a huge fan of STEM, electronics and nerd things like anime and gaming.

First year chemistry rep: Ben Anthony Doyle

First Year Physics Rep: Colm Mc Elwain

Ordinary Committee Member: Lorcan

Hi, I’m a second year Physics with Astrophysics student. I’m interested in maths, science and music. In my free time I like to play guitar, play games and procrastinate online. My student email address is lorcan.walsh.2022@mumail.ie.